Wednesday, November 30, 2011

January Dates

In January we will ADD an after school practice time. This is necessary to have time on the gym floor. Each competition is held in a gymnasium and allows us proper spacing.



Check out the volunteer tab for opportunites in December! 


Monday, November 21, 2011

Next Chapter

With Football season behind we now look forward to contest season! I am so proud of the Spurs and all of our performances thus far! You guys have worked so hard and so well together! I am truly looking forward to seeing how much more we can shine! Keep up the good work and keep looking out for each other!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

DEC 3rd again

I apologize for any confusion but after re-evaluating choreography dates we WILL have practice on Saturday Dec. 3rd 


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More than a just a dance team!

At the beginning of the year the girls and I decided we would take on a few more challenges this year by trying to be volunteers and to give back to our community in any way we can. There have been lots of opportunities this year and there will be more to come. These activities are by no means "mandatory" but I strongly encourage the girls to pick one or a few and get involved. Its amazing what you can learn about yourself by doing things out of your comfort zone.
Currently on our plate and coming to a close is the our St. Judes Project. The girls are being asked to collect donations from peers, teachers, friends, family members, etc.  and turn them in next week. the money in turn will be used to buy gift cards to distribute to kids fostered by St. Judes.
Next on our plate is the San Antonio Rock n Roll Marathon (no, we are not running it) Last year we participated in the "spirit on the course" aspect of the race and it was awesome! This year a few girls have signed up to continue to the tradition. It is THIS Sunday and more details will be handed out tomorrow. 
Again, these events are not mandatory but I think we all can agree they are very beneficial to EVERYONE involved!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Silver Spurs Needed!

I am taking volunteers to attend ROUND 2 of the Volleyball Playoffs tomorrow night! We will meet at SVHS @ 5:15pm and depart on a bus to Canyon Lake High School
*wear your team sweats and mesh top
THIS IS A HUGE GAME AGAINST LAKE TRAVIS, starts @ 7:00pm if you can't ride the bus come to the game anyways-lets show the girls our support! 


There will be no team practice Thursday Nov. 3rd. 
Please use this time to go to tutoring, catch up on late work, study, etc. 
Report to the dance gym for attendance at 8:30am, prior to 8:30 please refrain from hanging out in the gym because the officers will be practicing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dec. 3rd

There will be no practice on Saturday Dec. 3rd
